Whirlpool: Warps a ship to a random part of the map.
The two were later seen bickering with each other in a random part of space.
And like a pinwheel the light flashed over random parts of the basement room.
The random part is what makes genetic algorithms slow.
The station started in the 1950s by a handful of students who were merely tinkering with random parts.
The video shows flashbacks of his girlfriend's birthday party, and random parts in their apartment where emotional moments taken place.
When you push a button, the telescope automatically maneuvers to point at a random part of the sky and it takes a picture.
"It's the random part that makes it easy."
That's what the enemy feels as well every time some random part of the power is given off by the child, even though unborn.
At a news conference in Washington, he sought to portray the incidents as random and not part of a corporate strategy.