The electrons in a normal electric current are spinning in a random mix of quantum states known as up and down.
What would happen if a random mix of characters from modern fiction were to become the springboard for a new dance?
Because gametes end up with a random mix instead of a pre-defined "set" from either parent, gametes are therefore considered assorted independently.
The specimen consisted of two forms growing in an apparently random mix.
A related form of flipping a coin for each cell is to create an image using a random mix of forward slash and backslash characters.
The world generation system in Traveller is geared to produce a random mix of worlds.
People on the sidewalk or in restaurants were a random mix to such a degree that after a while we stopped being aware of anybody's skin color at all.
Two hundred and forty years ago, Earthlife had been seeded over the entire peninsula in a random mix.
The spandrel glass, originally a uniform green, had become a random two-tone mix.