In theory, vanity URLs are creatively linked to something making them easier to remember than a more random link.
Hence, a PageRank of 0.5 means there is a 50% chance that a person clicking on a random link will be directed to the document with the 0.5 PageRank.
OK, I don't normally post random links, but Simple DJ is way cool!
But it is hard to stay focused on a specific search while looking at zillions of tiny photos online, meandering from site to site following random links.
Another day, another bafflingly random link from Avro.
The underlying lattice structure of the model produces a locally clustered network, and the random links dramatically reduce the average path lengths.
Why not have a place, separate from the front page, where staffers can drop random links, pose questions, think out loud, and generally conversate with the rest of the blogosphere?
So disabling this will break some random links in Microsoft's own help system, which they use within Windows to bring up the Help Center.
A study by five United States-based researchers has found that random links much like those between people may be more effective than centralized control in coordinating massive parallel computing systems.
I read it awhile ago and grabbed a random link for reference.