The status board was still a random jumble.
In another piece directly across the gallery, strips and rectangles of felt are tossed in a random jumble.
Looks a pretty random unintelligible jumble.
The devices that sustained them gleamed, the lines efficient and clean, but melded with the broken bodies in a sickeningly random jumble, creatures made by a drunken god, or one insane.
His picture poems did not tell stories or have recognizable thematic narratives, but neither were they merely random jumbles of images.
Other rules have the opposite effect: seed them with a random jumble of cells and, after a few iterations, they begin generating complex order.
This was random jumbles, ancient structures joined to ancient structures, some built to individual tastes and some obviously designed with some long-gone necessity in mind.
Composed of a random jumble of words and punctuation, words are "trawled" for using scrawltrawlers, the equivalent of large fishing boats that capture words.
So far we have only considered pattern masks which consist of a random jumble of fragments of letters.
The rest of the space was occupied by a random jumble, mostly stuff that looked like it had been discarded by a procession of previous owners.