The final tally, after six hours of rancorous debate, was 55-50, with two abstentions.
The committee approved the measure on a party-line vote, 23 to 14, after a rancorous debate.
But leadership, alas, has been sadly missing in this whole rancorous debate.
But people who were in the closed meeting said he resigned because of the rancorous debate over term limits.
A rancorous debate over the school's safety seemed to fade for the moment.
The decision was made after what some executives close to the board termed a rancorous, sometimes teary debate.
The vote followed an emotional and often rancorous debate.
After an open, somewhat rancorous debate, the idea was embraced.
But after rancorous debate, the groups voted to keep the gathering in Seattle.
After nearly two years of often rancorous debate and negotiation, the panel was stalled.