With two close friends, he founded Urban Box Office Network, a year-old company that already employs 250 people at ramshackle offices in Chelsea.
Running a small ski area," says Ellms, squatting in a ramshackle slopeside office, "shouldn't be as difficult as it is.
He is to be found in a ramshackle office that is headquarters of the movement he founded called SOS-Racisme.
It was this ramshackle office that the Government says evolved into the American outpost of Mr. bin Laden's international terrorist organization.
Tipped back in a chair, he sat motionless for several minutes, staring at the far wall of his ramshackle office on one corner of the 20th Century Fox studio lot.
A small, weathered man in overalls bustled out of the ramshackle office to greet him.
Then he climbed the wooden steps to the ramshackle office occupied by Arus Grassman.
One of the chairs in the ramshackle office did not match the other three, which made Lee suspect Rains had borrowed it for the occasion.
The group of artists that now paint the artistic murals in Benghazi, goes by his name and continues to work from a ramshackle office in a makeshift media centre next to the city court.
From a ramshackle office set behind a row of houseboats here, it looks as though Marshall McLuhan got it wrong.