Across the street, there were other warehouses and some ramshackle buildings along the river.
After some distance and seeing no sign of life, the boys reached a ramshackle old building on the left.
The alley came to a dead end, except for a single doorway into a ramshackle building.
Twenty minutes later, he pulled up in front of a small, ramshackle building.
There were old, ramshackle buildings everywhere, but the place was still being used.
Beyond that were ramshackle buildings, many of them missing windows or even doors.
In the center was a ramshackle wooden building the size of a barn, built like everything else from the local black trees.
He led me out of the ramshackle building and across the uneven ground outside.
HE walks to a ramshackle building, way off the beaten track of town.
"The house they're talking about is a ramshackle building."