The new book is a rambling collection of Mr. Solzhenitsyn's thoughts and impressions about what he has seen and heard here over the last four years.
Some find it a rambling collection of indistinctly defined sections.
They went round a bend of the hill and saw the farm, a rambling collection of old buildings sprawling down the hillside.
It was an attractive, rambling collection of low buildings on a beautiful curving beach at the head of a spectacularly beautiful bay.
It was in the valley beyond, a rambling collection of peeled-log buildings with enough large windows to qualify as rustic modern.
It was low, long, a rambling collection of buildings constructed in a dozen varieties of style.
It also has the nicest hill station hotel in Indonesia, the Gardenia, a rambling collection of cottages among flower beds.
The hotel was a rambling collection of single-storey wooden huts or dormitories for men and for women, strange to Jean but comfortable enough.
The Autobiography comprises a rambling collection of anecdotes and ruminations rather than a conventional autobiography.
"Garden Scene" (1921), painted in muddy colors, is a rambling collection of flattened, largely geometric shapes in search of a composition.