The rally, sponsored by the Mayor's office, comes after weeks of growing concern about racial tension in the city.
The township of Sebokeng was the centre of the violence, which followed a rally sponsored by Inkatha.
On Sunday, September 12, 2010, another rally sponsored by took place at the State Street store.
At a rally sponsored by a coalition of abortion-rights groups the other day, one speaker pointedly refused to disavow violence against anti-abortion demonstrators.
Thousands of people jammed a midtown hotel for the rally, sponsored by the Service Employees International Union.
He added that he refused to attend an anti-American rally sponsored by one of them and insisted that he had no designs on political power or terrorist action.
But at the rally, sponsored by Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, the workers were in no mood to accept a wage freeze.
And today in Taipei, 20,000 people marched for Taiwan independence, in a rally sponsored by the opposition Democratic Progressive Party.
The "Hates" (two-minutes hate and hate week) were inspired by the constant rallies sponsored by party organs throughout the Stalinist period.