The Dalai Lama has held an event at the band shell and rallies celebrating the National Basketball Association championships by the Chicago Bulls occurred at the band shell.
Nevertheless, it poses as an independent entity, and occasionally organizes pro-government rallies celebrating Syrian commitment to the Palestinian cause.
It was a rally celebrating Israel's victory in the Six Day War.
The rally, celebrating Women's Week in Iran, was a sign that some restrictions on women during the past 15 years of fundamentalist rule are starting to ease.
On 8 January, the mood in Juba, the southern capital, and the wider region was said to be jubilant with final pro-secession rallies celebrating independence in advance.
In 1936, the Hall was the scene of a giant rally celebrating the British Empire, the occasion being the centenary of Joseph Chamberlain's birth.
During the campaign, the Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrullah, boasted at a rally celebrating the anniversary of the Israeli pullout that his men had 12,000 rockets to use against Israel.
A rally celebrating a united Canada was organized three days before the referendum vote.
Today's more knowing spouse would surely be found off the pedestal and at rallies celebrating her husband's record of accomplishment: the economy is perking, the electorate is tranquil.
A recent rally celebrating her escape attracted 300 people.