Her own family flock had gotten the illness in a rainy spring like this one.
The rainy spring seems to have multiplied the population and they are eating everything.
A. The same combination of a long, cold winter and a cool, rainy spring that we all complained about deserves the credit.
April 6, 2011 It's been a cool and rainy spring so far, but my yard is starting to green up.
It had been a rainy spring and their big problem was mosquitoes.
Even on a cold, rainy spring day, the tourists find their way to the beach that made this resort so famous.
The rainy spring has recharged a well on his farm that went dry last fall.
A rainy spring and a hot dry summer are considered advantageous.
Despite a cold, rainy spring, the region has been hit by an unusually dry July and August.
The worst combination for grass allergies, he said, is a rainy spring followed by a hot dry summer.