Because of high rainfall intensities most rivers carry large quantities of sediment.
Therefore, peaked profiles are applied to the storm data to provide a more realistic description of the rainfall intensity during the storm.
All areas experience very high rainfall intensities, ranging between estimates of 125-350 mm for a 24 hour period.
Hurricane wind speeds, rainfall intensity, and storm surge levels are likely to increase.
The annual rainfall intensity is high, ranging between 2,000 and 3,700 mm.
Channel slope and rainfall intensity become the third most important factors for small and large watersheds, respectively.
The rational method has been used for drainage basins small enough that observed rainfall intensities may be assumed to occur uniformly over the entire basin.
That this rainfall intensity could be used to set threshold limits in rain gauges that are part of an early warning flood system after wildfire.
It provides 3-D tracking of target aircraft and also measures rainfall intensity.
The Marburg Weather Radar shows rainfall intensity in real time.