Additional history about past flood events is available as well as some historical rainfall data.
Dr. Gray analyzed long-term rainfall data for the last 12 decades.
Although they gradually caught up in number with rain gauges, many places which have had rainfall data for over 125 years have only a few decades of temperature records.
Real-time water and rainfall data is collected by the telemetry system and based on computational model of the Sarawak River.
In all, rainfall data was reported at 284 locations across Mexico.
The rainfall data are represented by plotting positions as part of the cumulative frequency analysis.
The rainfall data was measured in its Agricultural Farm ,managed by the University of Bogota', between 1952 and 1989.
In southern parishes, rainfall data was were lost due to damage to rain gauges.
Rainwatch automates and streamlines key aspects of rainfall data management, processing and visualization.
After the rainfall data was introduced, the network produced an abstract musical score.