Thousands of people took to the rain-soaked streets.
One walked ahead, two behind, and the little party tramped through the rain-soaked streets to Haymi's Fountain.
His gaze swept the length of the brightly lit, rain-soaked street.
He threw the money on the counter, grabbed two papers, and propelled her down the dark, rain-soaked street They were both in the labyrinth now.
And every single sensation blended with the mundane smell of the rain-soaked streets beneath him.
On the rain-soaked streets, the pedestrians bowed before the wind, only partially protected by their ama-gasa.
At least 10 officers wandered along the rain-soaked street shining flashlights into cars.
As the taxi wallowed through the rain-soaked streets, Harry began to wonder about this unexpected mission.
It was a ten-block drive through rain-soaked streets.
Stopping in the middle of the muddy, rain-soaked street, Raistlin turned to face Crysania and his brother as they came up to him.