The gray rain streamed down the gray window.
Before his brain could process the how of it, he was staring into an empty room where rain streamed outside uncurtained windows.
The rain was still streaming down, swept into folds by occasional gusts of wind.
In it I saw a slide draw over the open portal through which shrieked the wind, streamed the rain.
His breath steamed the inner surface of the glass walls, while rain streamed down the exterior.
The steady rain poured in and streamed out of the structure, washing away props, documents, equipment and costumes.
They stared at him in silence, while the rain streamed over their leather cloaks.
The rain streamed in through the great apertures, trickling down the furniture and making little pools upon the carpet.
On the Delorios' front porch, rain streamed from the overhang.
The rain streamed silently down the window-wall.