A heavy rain will completely obliterate footprints in a very short time.
But today's rain nearly obliterated our view through the windshield.
The week-end rain had completely obliterated any tire traces along this road.
Flattened turf showed that a car might have traveled here; but the rain had obliterated tire marks.
The rain would have obliterated all footprints outside anyway.
They moved faster, since the rain would obliterate much of their spoor.
Soon it would be dark, but even before that the blinding rain would obliterate all objects within a few yards of him.
The torrential rain had smoothed over but not obliterated the wounds in her garden patch.
The rain had obliterated much that T. X. was looking for, but presently he found a faint indication of a car wheel.
Yet she would have thought the regular rains would have obliterated it long ago.