The interior rain had darkened the burgundy fabric of his Canopy finery, his hair was plastered unglamorously to his forehead.
The constant rain has darkened his mood and cast a gloom over his home - so much so that his wife, Patricia, says she often wants him to stop farming.
The rain had darkened her hair, but it still seemed to float around her.
The time was middle morning; rain had darkened the black cobblestone pavement.
The rain had darkened it to amber, and her skin looked pale in the harsh fluorescent lighting.
The rain had darkened the pale pink stone of the massive walls to the color of blood.
Below, clouds and rain have darkened the city sufficiently for it to be illuminated by stormlights.
The stable area at Belmont Park yesterday morning seemed like a gigantic gray mud pit, and cold rain darkened the skies and almost everyone's mood.
I prefer the rain to Darken Rahl.
The rain had darkened his brown hair, and rivulets of water dripped down a face that looked to be carved from teak.