Masks of the rain god abound on other structures throughout the site.
The rain god, Tlaloc, was being very difficult this year.
The rain god creates the clouds and is shown in the heavens.
Thus you can assume Mickie to be the rain god who brings the dead to life by telling the story of the family members.
It just pours, and only during rush hour so that the local rain god can get a good laugh.
Blue is most often associated with the rain god but there is no other evidence to support this.
He points to the vat and addresses the rain god.
"They believe these people will take a message to the rain god, and live forever in his paradise at the bottom of the well."
In adulthood, he was the father of Takitsuhiko, a rain god.
People would go to these places whenever there was a need and they prayed to the rain God to give them water.