The railway also ferried people to and from the area and during the latter half of the 19th century there were approximately 20 mills between Healey and Shawforth employing around 4,000 people.
The railway is operated by the Russian Railways and employs 80,757 people.
The railway employed the architect David Mocatta, who designed a number of attractive yet practical Italianate style stations using standardised modules.
The railway employs a bridge operator who is required by federal law to rotate the structure to accommodate vessel passage.
At their peak, the railways in and around King's Lynn employed hundreds of people, but Britain's extensive railway cutbacks in the late 1950s and the following decades badly affected King's Lynn's railway services.
The railway employed just one police officer.
As of 2005, the railway employs 112,173 people.
The railway employed a large number of local people.
As of 2009, the railway employs 46 741 people; its route length totals 3336,1 km.
By the 1930s the two railways employed over 1000 men.