In addition, Kotlas was a major transit point for deportees transferred further to the north and east, since it was a railroad terminus.
Halifax is a railroad terminus and a year-round port.
Iddo is also a railroad terminus and it is situated on the mainland.
He built the high-rise Sarasota Terrace Hotel near the railroad terminus and a bank through which he encouraged development in the community.
The transcontinental railroad was being constructed, and the railroad terminus gradually moved westward, shortening the trip.
While construction down the Cuesta Grade took place, the railroad terminus was in Santa Margarita.
Tanga is also an important railroad terminus, connecting much of the northern Tanzanian interior with the sea.
As each new railroad terminus was built, the stagecoaches used them as terminuses as well.
It was a railroad terminus and Nicaragua's largest Pacific port.
The recently built railroad terminus also connects with major population centers of the south.