The son of a railroad telegrapher, he began his working life killing armadillos and selling their hides.
After high school, he used his ability with Morse code to gain employment as a railroad telegrapher.
The strike ended after nine days, with the railroad recognizing the right of the ORT to represent the railroad telegraphers in collective bargaining.
At about the same time, the ORT began to organize railroad telegraphers in Mexico.
Long working hours were a major issue among railroad telegraphers.
Anderson was born in Kirkman, Iowa, the son of a railroad telegrapher.
The hotel was built by a railroad telegrapher by the name of John Rath with the purpose of serving railroad crews traveling through the town.
Edison studied technical books and scientific magazines in order to obtain the position of railroad telegrapher in 1864.
Mr. Anderson's father was a railroad telegrapher.
Frank C. Ellison was over the years, a railroad telegrapher, vaudeville marimbaist, stage designer, storyteller, model railroader, model railroad author, and above all, a gentleman.