Main Street is the site of the other railroad overpass in Princeton.
Old 1917 period concrete sections of road can be seen in and around the town, especially near the railroad overpass at the western end.
Montrose was bypassed in the 1940s by a railroad overpass; Highway 2 is now a minor business route.
In 1998, the highway was moved about 1.5 blocks north so it could go over a new railroad overpass.
Snipers on roofs and machine guns firing from a railroad overpass kept the men pinned down.
Crestwood has tried to make the best of its railroad overpass, using that as a ticket stand and waiting room.
I crossed a railroad overpass and reached a bunch of shacks where two highways forked off, both for Denver.
All the time he came closer to the concrete corner of the railroad overpass.
This brought the southern end of the 4-lane section in Kane County to just south of the railroad overpass.
She was so upset that I'm afraid she might have driven off the railroad overpass.