In response, the nationalist Azerbaijani Popular Front reimposes the rail blockade against Armenia.
The inquiry's report comes as Native leaders are threatening rail blockades and occupations this summer to protest more than 1,100 unsettled claims across the country.
One press report indicated that troops being sent to Armenia were being used to end a rail blockade, maintain order and protect the Soviet border.
In Armenia, choked by an Azerbaijani rail blockade and devastated by an earthquake, the growth rate plummeted to minus 11.6 percent.
In a new and very effective tactic the Popular Front in late summer launched a rail blockade on Armenia.
Their plans included rallies over the weekend, a rail blockade on 1 March, and Egypt-like mass protests in Hyderabad.
Meanwhile, in the current strike which really matters, Azerbaijan's month-long unofficial rail blockade of Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh, the situation remains confused.
Two participants said a more radical faction favored the use of weapons and the resumption of an all-out rail blockade of Armenia.
A correspondent at a local Armenian newspaper said a renewed rail blockade of the territory's captial, Stepanakert, had sealed off the region.
They then cancelled the 3rd day of rail blockade.