The raids also mark a change in the FDA's role from observer to enforcer.
The raid on Tuesday marked the third time in the last week that an Israeli aircraft had struck a car carrying militants.
The raid marked a turning point in the American strategic air war against Japan.
The raid of 2 May marked the start of an upsurge in Japanese aerial activity over northern Australia.
The town is 105 miles south-east of Sana'a, and the raid marks the closest the group have come to the seat of power.
Although Israel has bombed targets in refugee camps before, the raids marked the first time ground troops had invaded such camps.
The first raid hit Paramushiro on 4 February 1944 and marked the first time that Wickes made contact with the enemy.
This raid marks the beginning of the "Viking Age of Invasion", made possible by the Viking longship.
This raid marked the beginning of the armed struggle against the Portuguese colonial government.
This raid also marked the first operational use of the new LCS.