And there for a long time he crouched, watching the strange, grey, ragged masses trail their streamers across his narrowed sky.
The clouds broke apart into ragged masses, their blue-black tinged by the humpbacked Morgana which fled among them.
Deimos is a jagged, ragged mass of rock; a skipper would he hard put to find a place to put down a ship.
Pitt tapped a finger on the ragged mass of islands scattered around the Straits of Magellan.
At birth it was a village of swinging pickaxes, groaning gold miners and swirling red dust that choked the ragged masses.
There a white mass of scars over his left collarbone, ragged and vicious.
A heavy storm was coming down upon them, a ragged black mass of turbulence advancing out of the south.
Hungry Joe was a throbbing, ragged mass of motile irritability.
Behind him, spurred on by his example, a ragged mass of dismounted Dragoons and sweating infantry flooded towards the bridge.
The others followed in a ragged mass.