His ragged ears flattened to the back of his head.
He didn't even look up at her as she passed, his eyes closed, his ragged ears and scarred face a worn mask of contentment.
Its ragged ears were all the way up again, and David thought he could hear it growl-ing, low and far back in its throat.
The coyote looked nervously over its shoulder at the sound, then took three slow steps toward the door, ragged ears twitching.
Norinda's quick smile stirred desire in him instantly and Picard pushed the bloody cloth against his ragged ear.
Large ragged ears protrude from the center of his skull to well above its pointed ridged peak.
For a long moment his rheumy old eyes regarded his master and Fowler reached down a hand to ruffle a ragged ear.
The giant's ragged ears rippled in amusement.
Squealing little animals with naked tails and huge ragged ears scurried out of the skimmer's path in the weeds ahead.
She blew out a cloud of smoke and absently fingered her ragged left ear.