At the same time, the number of rafting companies quadrupled.
Do you know any rafting companies that have such tours?
And due to low numbers the rafting company was offering a 2 for 1 special.
Practicalities Get good holiday insurance - the rafting companies all make you sign disclaimers before you go.
This section is not run by commercial rafting companies due to the risk involved.
The lower canyon is another class 4-5 whitewater run that is run by commercial rafting companies at suitable water levels.
That is an issue on the Ottawa River, where rafting companies sell 80,000 trips a year.
The Gauley is run year-round by recreational boaters and from spring to fall by commercial rafting companies.
Commercial rafting companies may adapt by switching to fleets of inflatable kayaks.
There are commercial rafting companies and holiday park accommodation within the town.