When she reported that her obsessions were in full sway, she inhaled the radioactive carbon again and a second image was made.
Scientists have long reckoned the ages of old objects by measuring the amounts of radioactive carbon they contain.
Since 1947, scientists have reckoned the ages of many old objects by measuring the amounts of radioactive carbon they contain.
They have also tested their findings with radioactive carbon dating.
The age of the material is determined by analysis for radioactive carbon 14.
However, inaccuracies are caused by the fact that the ratio of radioactive carbon to ordinary carbon in the environment varies over the years.
The earliest caves are dated, based in part on radioactive carbon dating, to around the year 300.
The age of such materials can be estimated by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon they contain in a process called radiocarbon dating.
They were destroyed about 300 years ago, an estimate based on the extent to which radioactive carbon in the trunks has decayed.
Fossilized microatolls can also be dated using radioactive carbon dating.