The power of radio propaganda came from its revolutionary nature.
An example of effective radio propaganda by the United States for Great Britain is the news reports of Edward R. Murrow.
The coup went quickly, from June 16 through June 27, 1954, with radio propaganda and political subversion proving to be the most effective weapons.
Soviet radio propaganda against Finland also ceased.
The agency beamed radio propaganda into Iraq, recruited defectors as intelligence agents, tried to undermine the regime.
But four covert operations undertaken from 1992 to 1998, involving everything from radio propaganda to paramilitary plots, failed to topple him.
While the irreverent banter of the hosts sometimes punctures the oh-so-serious political commercials, radio propaganda, particularly in California's car-centric culture, can effectively blanket a captive freeway audience.
On one occasion German radio propaganda claimed that the ship had been destroyed by a bomb, and the Admiralty had to issue a denial.
Polish-Czech tension was raised as well, and Papée soon lodged protests against Czech troop movements near the Polish border and radio propaganda.
Lippert's primary role in the war, however, was organizing radio propaganda in Belgrade.