Typical radio listening included soap operas based on popular novels and a variety of Chinese and foreign music.
Currently, just over 20% of all radio listening is via digital.
The good news is that allows for a few extra minutes of radio listening.
Not so long ago, listening to a broadcast of a symphony was a popular evening's entertainment; now most radio listening is done in cars.
Almost all radio listening was shared among AM radio stations.
The station did very well throughout the rest of the 1970s and on throughout the 1980s as FM became the choice for radio listening.
Only 3 percent said that radio listening or chatting with passengers presented a comparable risk.
By most measures - concert attendance, record sales, radio listening - classical music is "consumed" by less than 10 percent of the population.
"In virtually every audience survey in Europe radio listening is up," he writes.
Thus, crew members need not devote their attention to continuous radio listening.