Together they radically expanded the conventional definition of Indian art.
It was the Polandicks who radically expanded the menu, inspired by patrons.
It radically expanded the ability of Homo sapiens to think about what is true and not true.
Sensor probes show that the Repository's shields have expanded radically.
The insurgents have also radically expanded their campaign of violence to include Iraqi troops, police officers, government officials and Shiite civilians.
What LMS does is radically expand the area of school responsibility.
In the 1930s the company radically expanded its freight operations, the size of its fleet growing to approximately 100 vessels.
Is the state proposing to radically expand the reading tests it gives students from grades 3 to 8, growing them to almost three hours over two days?
We've radically expanded help to working folks.
Most of these jeepneys have radically expanded passenger capacities, and are flamboyant and noisy.