The approach, with its emphasis on classical texts, was widely taken as conservative, though Bloom always insisted it was radically democratic.
Martin Luther's first reformatory attempts were radically democratic.
Radically democratic responses to politics.
The MPU was radically democratic, and depended upon its members' input to function.
In 1797, she organised a list of names which she delivered to the national parliament in support of a radically democratic constitution.
Brown's notion of truth is so deeply private, so radically democratic, it never firmly or fully establishes itself anywhere or in any one person.
The irony is that Mr. Weiner's turn to language was motivated by radically democratic sentiments.
He was noted for his radically democratic views on electoral reform including universal manhood suffrage and the distribution of electorates based on population.
The church was run along radically democratic lines, without any influence from "councils, conferences or synods".