Forget everything you know about the common law system - we're dealing with the radical feminist version of Saudi Arabia.
While some (madrassas) teach a radical version of Islam, most historically have not.
Conservative liberalism is a more positive and less radical version of classical liberalism.
Ultranationalist thinking on the rural sector seemed in many ways only a more radical version of official views.
Other celebrities gracing the cover have become radical versions of themselves.
It offers an extremely radical version of non-dualistic philosophy.
A more radical version is asking guests to move over two seats after every course, thus moving them up to five times.
As some dancers lilt or sway, others streak through the space, creating a radical version of counterpoint.
Later still, he heavily reworked the opera along Wagnerian lines, and this radical version was performed during 1892.
At the same time, at least one area in which radical versions of feminism are still alive is barely touched on in either show.