As that war progressed, the Iraqi leaders began to make more use of religious themes but without renouncing their nationalistic and radical theology.
It taught radical theology as well as modern subjects, such as science, modern languages, language, and history.
The phrase has also inspired much of Slavoj Zizek's work related to radical theology.
Other Christians were developing far more radical theologies, not out of love of speculation for its own sake but to assuage a profound anxiety.
A generation of youth has been socialized by war and radical theology.
Despite his radical theology, Father Duggins is the product of an evangelical tradition.
For me, my intention was to do a radical feminist theology.
During the 1960s the term 'South Bank religion' became synonymous with radical theology and public controversy.
It taught classics, radical theology, science, modern languages, language and history.
He is deeply conservative in his Calvinist theology yet radical and iconoclastic in his ministry style.