If free radicals react with certain chemicals in the body, they may interfere with the ability of cells to function normally.
Remote plasma is using chemical components where mainly neutral radicals are reacting with the surface.
These free radicals may then react chemically with neighbouring materials even after the original radiation has stopped.
The free radicals then react with oxygen to produce peroxy radicals which cause yet further damage, often in a chain reaction.
The radicals then react to yield carbon carbon double bonds.
The radical reaction stops when two radicals react and produce a non-radical species.
In these reactions two free radicals react with each other to produce products that are not free radicals.
This radical can in turn attack the triple bond in acetylene and react efficiently even at cold temperatures.
Therefore, the more stable radical could react with the neutral species, forming head-to-tail couplings as shown in Figure 6 (top).
These free radicals further react with atmospheric oxygen to produce more and more free radicals.