While some of his followers became known as Hussites, his more radical followers were called Taborites.
He and thousands of his radical followers had gone to fight alongside the Taliban after Pakistan sided with the United States.
"Records show that by 2248, Symmetrists had ceased to exist as an organized group, completely discredited by their more radical followers."
Though he came to see Huldrych Zwingli, he soon became attached to the reformer's more radical followers.
According to one individual, Abdullah visited the mosque frequently and was "very close" to radical followers of Thumairy.
In so doing, he gave the settler leaders a way to proclaim victory and to calm down some of their more radical followers.
Mr. Mandela praised his radical followers for their steadfastness, but reminded them that democratic principles had to be respected.
The Upright were those who strove with everything they were to be radical followers of Jesus.
This allowed radical followers of Salafist Jihadism to resume their activities, garner support and recruit followers.
The more radical followers were going over to the Communists.