Meanwhile, some radicals attack one of the oil sites and kill the crew.
Among other things, these radicals attack the fats in muscle cell membranes, which leaves the cells open to injury by other cellular insults.
To add insult to injury, free radicals also attack collagen and elastin, the substances of connective tissue that keep our skin moist and elastic.
Mr. Jun, 32 years old, tried to intervene when 40 radicals attacked the offices of Keanan, a South Korean road construction company, and began setting vehicles on fire, the officials said.
Earlier radicals had attacked capitalism as an anarchic, irrational system; the new rebels denounced it because the system seemed too rational, based on a claustrophobic set of technological and bureaucratic imperatives that stifled self-expression.
The free radicals attack the biomolecules forming structures within the cells, causing oxidative stress (a cumulative damage which may be significant enough to cause the cell death, or may cause DNA damage possibly leading to cancer).
In general, radicals attack the closest reactive site the most readily.
Palestinian radicals attacked al-Hussaini for meeting Kollek, while Eliakim Hayetzni, an Israeli Knesset member from the right-wing Tehiya party, accused Kollek of treason for meeting "a known agent of Arafat".
The government avoided making the contents of the treaty known until the Congress reconvened, but radicals and monarchists attacked the treaty in any case.