The Royals would collaborate on important research including that funded by the Atomic Energy Commission involving bone marrow transplants to treat radiation overdoses.
I register that the alien has probably already sustained a fatal radiation overdose, but that may not stop him from completing his mission.
(This is similar to the description given by Louis Slotin, a Manhattan Project physicist who died days after a fatal radiation overdose from a criticality accident.)
That sardonic voice in his head answered, Not since you got the radiation overdose, jiggering commsats in the Van Alien Belt.
Both fish and leeches respond to the same decontamination and regeneration treatments given to our own people who have been exposed to a radiation overdose.
Jonah's eye picked out the glisten of sealant over artificial skin, the dying-rummy pattern of burst blood vessels from explosive decompression, the mangy look of someone given accelerated marrow treatments for radiation overdose.
Begun in 2009, the FDA's investigation included information from the states and facilities where radiation overdoses occurred from 2008 to Oct. 26, 2010.
"He's only four days from a radiation overdose," said Ramsey.
According to articles in the Los Angeles Times in 2009, Cedars-Sinai was under investigation for significant radiation overdoses of 206 patients during CT brain perfusion scans during an 18-month period.