The radiation emitted covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum and the intensity (power/unit-area) at a given frequency is dictated by Planck's law of radiation.
Thermal Infrared radiation emitted by objects at a given temperature.
For example, radiation emitted from Cygnus X-3 has been measured at exalectronvolt-levels.
In chemistry, the infrared radiation emitted or absorbed by a substance is studied to help determine the substance's molecular structure and composition.
The radiation emitted depends on the temperature of the body.
A star or planet often is modeled as a black body, and electromagnetic radiation emitted from these bodies as black-body radiation.
The radiation emits through the faces of the cylinder.
He also worked on measuring radiation emitted from stars, and invented and built new instrumentation for this purpose.
The radiation emitted can be one of three types, called alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.
While unsuccessfully trying to escape from the chamber, the radiation emitted fuses the mechanical tentacles he is wearing into his skin.