Then he noticed barely visible lines of light forming a colored network that extended right into the city, and radiated far beyond it.
A sternness far beyond Moiraine's radiated from her.
But the influence of the science radiated far beyond its own special field--beyond those beautiful but highly technical problems with which we do not propose for a moment to trouble the naturally terrified reader.
It doesn't radiate far.
These concerns now radiate far beyond the immediate region.
The shock waves of Ginsberg's "Howl," Kerouac's "On the Road" and Burroughs's "Naked Lunch" radiated far beyond the academy.
But the racing ship sped directly toward the great planet, and shrieked its way down through the atmosphere, till its outer shell was radiating far in the violet.
Once he was in full control his powers would grow, radiating far beyond the frail human shell he inhabited.
The heat, held by the miles of concrete and asphalt, radiates far into the stifling night.
"Repression" is a word that radiates far beyond its small syllabic self; it connotes images of hysterical amnesiacs on magic mountains or mist-swaddled Viennese streets.