If I was a radiant bride, the groom was positively resplendent.
A beautiful red carpet was laid, over which the radiant 22-year-old bride passed on her way to the altar.
Cilia was a radiant bride, looking up at Kenneth.
'Am I speaking to the radiant bride?'
Not to her father's villa - he'd expect her to be a radiant bride just back from her honeymoon.
Her cousin Frances had made a radiant bride, her happiness with Oliver apparent.
No doubt Lynette expected a brilliantly radiant bride, but there was no joy in her heart this day, no wild elation.
One such was a wedding feast at the restaurant at 85 Tran Phu, the bride radiant in shocking pink and sequins.
The glow lasted all through the short service and turned her into what Mrs. Buckle, there with Buckle, described as a radiant bride.
Everything, from the radiant bride to the fabulous flowers, was perfect.