Already winged, they need not sit in machines which radar, gravar, magnetoscopes could spot across kilometers.
It was a mile away now, streaking toward the last spot its radar had spotted large patches of metal in the sky.
Once radar spotted the incoming Japanese aircraft, both carriers launched all available fighters.
"Our radar spotted an unauthorized vessel approaching Earth, and we followed it to find it at your laboratory here."
Cloud-piercing radar can spot fires and logging in tropical forests.
Of course radars spotted the Med Ship as an object, but nobody paid attention.
Ultrahigh-resolution radar might spot them in months - but suits worn in those little rockets carry only six hours air.
Anything that the radar could spot through this radiation cloud must be close, very close.
A radar could spot the movement if it was set to do so, but he gambled that that wouldn't occur to Lawes for a while.
Now Pioneer's radar spotted two squadrons of the vehicles, moving incredibly fast over the low rolling hills.