The radar reveals a number of poleward-moving regions in which the electron temperature is elevated by a factor of 1.5.
But they caught no further glimpse of the mysterious lights, and the radar revealed no object other than the iceberg and the rocky islet itself as indicated on the map.
The whispers had turned to shouts in recent decades when ground-penetrating radar revealed the presence of an astonishing structure beneath the chapel-a massive subterranean chamber.
Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica.
The high-frequency radar reveals only anatomical details larger than one-half inch, but such resolution easily distinguishes between male and female anatomy.
Say, radar doesn't reveal any sizable structures where the Boss told us they'd be.
It was defeated when Big O's radar revealed its true location to Roger and he used the Arc Line to destroy it.
Ground-penetrating radar revealed no disturbances beneath the playing field.
When Ghrul-Captain's image reappeared, he must have known what his radars and other detectors were revealing.