Tom and Jerry's adventures were generally absurdist comedies, featuring bizarre imagery, racist themes, and more than a few (minor) sexual references.
"After Strange Gods," for instance, bluntly echoes the racist themes of "Gerontion" and "Burbank."
The Canadian Union of Fascists focused on economic issues while the Parti national social chrétien concentrated on racist themes.
Most racist themes in popular comedy since the 1970s are targeted against racism rather than in sympathy.
While adhering to Chauprade's views on the conflict of civilisations, the NRH does not contain explicitly racist themes.
At this time period in the 1870s, German Völkisch nationalism began to adopt antisemitic and racist themes and was adopted by a number of radical right political movements.
Under his editorial guidance, among others, the Voice (Szózat), a newspaper with nationalist and racist themes, was published.
In fact, its jokiness ensured that the racist themes were part of the fun.
The label's record covers were usually very provocative, including Swastikas and other racist themes.
Separatist, nationalist and racist themes could play havoc with commitments to Western European union.