It was formed in May 2008 in response to a series of highly-publicised racist assaults against Pakistani migrants and English travellers in Aberdeen.
Some Arab radio stations are notorious for foul racist assault on Jews, so my Israeli friends say.
To them, Miss Brawley's tale, seen as another entry in this country's long history of racist assaults, had more credibility than the scattershot evidence laid out by a mostly white authority.
Although there have been no racist assaults in Altdobern, petty crime has sharply increased here, as almost everywhere in the former East Germany.
In 2001, Tonga's Chinese community was hit by a wave of about a hundred racist assaults.
Shortly after finishing his exams and before leaving to the newly independent Malawi, a racist assault was committed on him by three German students.
Dismissing the 20,000 white victims of wounded in racist assaults as 'elite actors' playing 'the victim' seems a bit callous.
Notwithstanding police operations focusing on this matter, migrants may still be subject to racist assaults mainly in rural areas or small towns in former East Germany.
Ruckus believes firmly in racist assaults, hurling invectives of prejudice and hatred to all things black.
In 2001, Tonga's Chinese community (of about three or four thousand people) was hit by a wave of about a hundred racist assaults.