The underlying concern is: Will racial parity in schools undercut achievement, leaving taxpayers feeling as if they no longer get their money's worth from the school system?
He criticized the Reagan Administration and called for racial parity by the year 2000.
"At this rate we won't reach racial parity until 2022."
And some black business leaders predict that racial parity on the Web is not far away.
Moreover, a racial parity in new hires does not wipe away the lingering effects of past discriminatory practices.
The hiring of black athletic administrators by the nation's colleges has grown but still has far to go to achieve racial parity.
After more than 70 years of racial parity black marriage rates began to fall behind whites.
"That is its ability to achieve racial parity and to make full use of the African Americans and minorities it has so long rejected."
So it is possible that America would rather endure economic decline than assure future prosperity by moving toward racial parity.
So while moral considerations may take a back seat, America may just move to racial parity in its own economic self-interest.