The period between 1950 and 1970 saw a major shift in the city's racial make-up, as the proportion of blacks in the population increased significantly.
The racial make-up of the township was 100% White.
As a result, the school's student body had an exclusively white racial make-up until the late 1990s.
Although planning practices did change, the racial make-up of neighborhoods did not.
I thought that was terrific, as my wife is the same racial make-up.
The racial make-up of the village was 85.29% White and 14.71% African American.
The congregation matched the racial make-up of the community.
Drawn as they are from the city's schools, the young dancers represent the city's racial make-up more than other companies do.
The racial make-up was 7,271,926 whites, 1,126,894 blacks and 2,658,675 mulattoes.
The American militias reflected the racial make-up of the local population.