Some now worry that the pact may generate a racial backlash.
Although Lena Horne and other black actresses were considered, Darryl F. Zanuck chose to cast a white actress for fear of racial backlash.
"I'm struck by the concern members of Congress have shown over the racial, ethnic and religious backlash" provoked by the attacks, he said.
His slogan, "It's your fight, too," has the same feel as George C. Wallace's "Send them a message," though without the racial backlash.
My reaction to the concern about racial backlash was: they must be joking.
The city's efforts have also been hurt by fears of a racial backlash against minority groups that become more closely identified with AIDS.
The leaders question his ability and fear a racial backlash against him and them.
But as jobs increase and poverty declines, even in the inner cities, Mr. Archer said, a racial backlash is unlikely.
"Certainly, there's a strong racial backlash, but just as powerful is this anti-incumbency backlash."
Appeals to racial backlash.