The residents of Covenant Village, located in Cromwell, Conn., are among the team's most rabid supporters.
The Red Sox cannot dismiss either, no matter what their rabid supporters might think.
For a while, it did not look as if the Carolina Hurricanes' rabid supporters would have much to celebrate for the remainder of this holiday weekend.
England not only has been disappointing recently in big matches, it also must answer to rabid supporters who really care about the sport.
And the fiasco Carpathia had just perpetrated in the temple could not have amused more than his basest, most rabid supporters.
Santoka is shown also as a rabid supporter of the Japanese conquest of Asia in the 1930's, so long as it does not interfere with his drinking.
There were more tears shed by one rabid supporter than by all the losing incumbents in the history of the world.
Martyn was described as "a rabid supporter of Daniel O'Connell" and his repeal movement.
Chance was a player, but she didn't share the fanatical ideology the movers and shakers of CyberNation and their most rabid supporters embraced.
Even rabid supporters of the law, like the Education Trust, have criticized Bush officials for doing so little to help states meet this standard.