The rabbinical ruling that forbids ascent to the Mount plays a political, as well as theological, role in the life of Israel, because it serves to keep Muslims and Jews separated.
The young men are not only in a place forbidden to them by leading rabbinical rulings but also a place where Israeli security prohibits Jewish worship.
But, in fact, there had been a storm of religious rhetoric and rabbinical rulings challenging the Government's legitimacy, which had religious students around the country asking whether there was a moral imperative to kill Mr. Rabin.
A recent study of this rabbinical ruling suggests that it was both "unprecedented" and possibly prompted by governmental pressure on the rabbis, as well as "brilliant" in preventing Muslim-Jewish friction on the Mount.
Mr. Mollica reported no boon from the rabbinical rulings.
Rabbi Eliahu Bakshi-Doron, the Sephardic Chief Rabbi, says the roster is based on rabbinical rulings, but critics cite instances of anonymous phone tips.
Dr. Schorsch said that the decision was based on a "further application" of the rabbinical legal ruling that enabled women to become rabbis.
There they got the news of a rabbinical ruling that caused them to turn back and to return the body to Hebron.
In 2008, a rabbinical ruling determined that giraffes and their milk are eligible to be considered kosher.
The rabbinical ruling has split the Israeli right.